Disney’s “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series” star Joshua Bassett was baptized Sunday at Bethel Church in Redding, California.
He shared a video of the special moment on Twitter Monday.
“My name’s Joshua and long story short, I grew up Christian and I ran the other way as far as I could go in the pursuit of ‘truth,’ and that only ended in addiction, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, etc,” Bassett told the congregation.
“No other teacher gave me anywhere near the peace that Jesus Christ did,” he added, as the church cheered. “And I’m here to publicly declare Him as my Lord and Savior.”
He shared that “the gospel is GOOD NEWS for all willing to love and obey Him who keeps your heart beating” on Twitter.
Many online came after the singer-songwriter for getting baptized at a “pro-Trump” church that supports “conversion therapy,” accusing Bethel of being anti-LGBT.
Bassett appeared to respond to his fans in a tweet.
“i visited this church and happened to get baptized here- i was unaware of some of their policies and beliefs, and do not endorse all of them. my heart is for Christ and Christ alone!” he said.
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I find it sad that Bassett felt like he needed to put out a statement about Bethel Church. You’re never going to please the woke mob. I’m glad he said his heart is for “Christ and Christ alone,” though.
I haven’t been to Bethel Church, but I’ve interviewed and met Bethel pastor Bill Johnson and many worship leaders from the church and I’ve attended their “Heaven Come” conferences in Los Angeles and Dallas, Texas. From what I know, the church has a heart for Jesus, revival, and the Father’s love.
“Bethel’s mission is revival—the personal, regional, and global expansion of God’s kingdom through His manifest presence,” the church said on its website.
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Praise God that Joshua Bassett was baptized and publicly confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior. I pray for more good news like this coming out of Hollywood.
Caleb Parke is the SMG managing editor. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and connect with him at calebparke.com.